Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baysplosion! - TRANSFORMERS 2 Review

This isn't my review. In fact I've been hesitant to put a review here because--well because I just didn't want to waste my time. I didn't like it. In fact, I found it to be one of the worse movies I've seen of that caliber, big budget blockbusters. Don't get me wrong. It's not horrible, complete, utter crap. And there are things I like about it (the Decepticons' world; special effects; and simply the Transformers). However, for every one thing I like about it, there are a hundred more I detest. I've found the perfect review for it that reflect my views. I agree with it 100%. Hopefully, this will help more people become aware of this epidemic....called Hollywood.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Downfall of Man

I’ve been thinking lately about our society and how it has been negatively affected by pop culture. I feel like we are getting dumber, less sensitive, more promiscuous, less respectful, less caring, more selfish, and altogether a far worse sense of good character. Its cause has had a noticeable effect on youth. People dress differently, speak differently, and have a far worse attitude about life and how to live it. They no longer care about the common good of man and making the world a better place. Instead, they are more concerned with iPhones and getting laid 24/7.

Personally, I can’t help but feel ashamed. I see it happening right in front of me as it hits me in waves. For every solid, decent person I meet, there is ten, twenty, fifty, even a hundred people that I want nothing to do with.

This realization has caused me to grow distance from our society as it further descends into corruption and moral decay.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Quick Overview of: YEAR ONE

More of a Comedy Movie Movie

Directed by: Harold Ramis
Written by: Harold Ramis, Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg

YEAR ONE is probably the first disappointing movie all year. It plays more like a Wayans’ Brother movie (SCARY MOVIE, DANCE FLICK) than it does a Harold Ramis’ (CADDYSHACK, National Lampoon’s VACATION, ANALYZE THIS) fun comedy. There’s not much laughs to be had unless you’re a big Jack Black fan or you are enamored with Michael Cera’s subtle, dry quips. Personally, I lost a taste for them after seeing the trailer a couple of times. Don’t expect to be blown away by story. Not much here. I’m not a fan of the subject content, nor do I know much of the history behind it.

Unfortunately, THE PROPOSAL is the better movie to come out this week. Pass on YEAR ONE. Ye be warned!

Inspirational Quote

"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses."
--C. G. Jung

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Currently Listening To: ALL THAT REMAINS - Overcome (2008)

ALL THAT REMAINS - Overcome (2008)

Edgy Heavy metal with a lot of punch. Originally formed in 1998, this Massachusetts band’s third officially released album is another stellar performance following their 2006 release The Fall of Ideals. Overall, Overcome, isn’t quite as good as Fall…, but is not to be missed by fans of the melodically fused hardcore metal genre, much in the style of KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, my favorite band. Plenty of great tracks are present here, making it extremely easy to listen to throughout without skipping tracks. However, none are quite like the second track on the album “Two Weeks”. This has been one of my favorite songs since I first heard it. It remains in my top songs ever. It’s just a gut-wrenching, pulsating, cathartic experience every time I hear it. The words can ring true with people who have experienced loss and a failed relationship. But it’s more than that. And the sound truly kicks ass.

ALL THAT REMAINS has quickly become one of my favorite bands over the last few years when I’ve really latched on to this particular genre. I feel like it’s an appropriate fit for my life right now: moments of anger, aggression, and pain followed by moments of peace, harmony, and enlightenment.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Inspirational Quote

"There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of our will."


-Robert Rodriguez is producing the new PREDATOR movie (called PREDATORS) through his Troublemakers Studios. As of now they're talking to Neil Marshall to direct it. Neil Marshall is the director behind some of the best genre pics in last five years (DOG SOLDIERS, THE DESCENT, DOOMSDAY). I love him and I hope he is in fact going to direct. He's incredibly talented and would be a perfect fit for the movie. In addition, by getting him, I feel better about the film. I was worried it might be over the top action that Rodriguez is known for. But with Marshall at the helm...let's just say I feel a lot better.

-First pic of Mickey Rourke in IRON MAN 2.

He's playing the villain Whiplash. But the character's name is Ivan Vanko, who from the comics is the Crimson Dynamo (another Russia's version of Shellhead). The pic looks cool and of course I'm super-stoked about the movie.

-Darren Aronofsky, director of REQUIEM FOR A DREAM and most recently THE WRESTLER, is set to reboot ROBOCOP. This is unbelievable. I think he's a tremendously talented director who has vision. If he can bring that to a new ROBOCOP movie...well, let's say it would be "wicked awesome"!!!

-Ryan Reynolds says the new DEADPOOL spin-off will be true to the source material. It will be the Merc with a Mouth and not Weapon XI. So that's excellent news. There's potential for a great movie here. Ryan Reynolds is the perfect Deadpool. It should be good provided it has a good director under it.

Friday, June 05, 2009

First Look - H2: HALLOWEEN 2

I watched the first trailer last night for the first time. It looks amazing. I’m very excited about it. It actually looks better than the first. The feeling and atmosphere it evokes is truly something that is missing in a vast majority of horror films present today. The dark, menacing, hooded Michael Myers stalking his victims in the hospital, looking to finish the job; Mrs. Myers (apparently) guiding him from beyond the grave; more brutality, more gore, more Rob Zombie taking it to the max (I can only hope).

I love the original HALLOWEEN 2 (written by Debra Hill and John Carpenter, The Man, himself and directed by Rick Rosenthal). There’s plenty of people who didn’t like that film and feel it’s a let down, and a dramatic step down from the brilliant original masterpiece. I don’t quite see it that way. It’s a legitimate sequel and I view it as a continuation of the first film. It’s not quite on the level as it, but it’s one of my top horror movies. I can’t get enough of it. This new reincarnation of it, H2, looks fine and I hope it can be just as good.

Currently Listening To: TERMINATOR SALVATION Soundtrack

TERMINATOR SALVATION - Original Soundtrack
Music by: Danny Elfman

This is a fantastic soundtrack. I loved hearing it for the first time while watching the movie. It’s actually very good to listen to by itself as a stand alone album. It creates a vibrant atmosphere unique to the Terminator landscape. Overall the album, and entire score, maybe better than Brad Fiedel’s score for the original TERMINATOR and T2, and Marco Beltrami’s TERMINATOR 3 score as a whole. However, it lacks that knockout punch that exists in the previous films' main theme. The main theme, initial created by Brad Fiedel, is one of the best themes ever, and my personal favorite. The T2 interpretation being the best of the three. With that being said, I believe Danny Elfman has done a superb job in re-establishing the franchise with a great score that supplements an outstanding film.